Make a Wallpaper app for Android without coding with free App Maker. Create a collection of images, HD wallpapers, backgrounds and convert it into a mobile app. The app supports pictures, live wallpapers, gifs, and videos. Group your content into special albums, categories and packs by themes, colors and other aspects. Enable editing features like crop and blur for Android backgrounds and lock screens.

The Wallpaper App Maker features the admin panel where you can manage your pictures and collections online. You can upload new images online at any time without rebuilding your Android app.

To create a successful Wallpaper app, you should find your niche. You can make a Wallpaper app for kids or school students, collections of live or fantasy wallpapers, stock of arts for movie or music lovers, etc. Use the relevant keywords in the name and description, localize your app in your home language, make creative screenshots. Look at your competitors and build your own wallpaper app like Backgrounds HD, Walli, Backdrops, Resplash and others.
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After the app is created you'll be redirected to Wallpaper Admin Panel so you could add images. You'll be able to access the Panel and manage the content of your app later from Edit section of your Dashboard.

Crop image:
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Fine tune your app after clicking Create App