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Create Quiz game app for Android without coding with free Quiz App Maker. Make a trivia game app with multiple types of questions and answers. The game features include text, image and scratch questions; single, multiple, true/false and input answers. You can customize background and category images, set colors, music, sounds, and fonts for the app. Question your audience on any subject and allow them to prove themselves to be experts in the chosen field.

How to make a quiz app for Android: upload a background, create a category of the questions and the image for it, choose the type of questions and answers, add the list of questions and correct /incorrect answers, customize colors, fonts, and sound effects, name your app and upload an icon.

To create a successful quiz app, you should find your target audience. You can make an educational trivia app for students or kids, quiz about movies, books, programming or medicine. Think outside the box to find the niche for your game. Use the keywords in the name and description, localize your quiz in your home language, make creative screenshots. Look at your competitors and build a quiz app like Jeopardy, Trivia Crack, QuizUp, Newsmeister, Psych!, etc.
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