How to create a custom wallpaper app for Android? Less than 10 minutes without code or paying any fee

100+ Images

You can add as many images as possible to your App to make it maximally exciting and engaging to your users.

Live Wallpapers with HD quality

Your App will support images of various qualities: Full HD, HD, Ultra HD, and 4K quality.It also supports different formats: live wallpapers, gifs, and videos.

Editing Tools: Use essential tools - blurring, cropping and more

Circled Dot
Circled Dot

Push Notifications: Let your users know when you add new wallpaper collections

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Monetization: Make money with your App by using the banner ads

Publish App

Download your APK and AAB file and publish it on Google Play and other app stores for Android users.

Chat Box


"Create a Wallpaper App for Android for FREE"

Chat Box

Think out of the box to make your wallpaper app as creative and interesting as possible.
