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2 minutes ago in Bangladesh
Create Magic 8 Ball App for Android without coding with free Game App Maker. This is the game and app that will help your users in decision - making whether it's about work, personal life or just choosing something to buy. It'll show random phrases after the user shakes its device. Try to be more creative and add some funny phrases. Remember, the more fun your users get, the more chances they will use your 8 Ball app for a long period and share it with friends.

How to make a Magic 8 Ball app for Android: add phrases, upload a background, customize the ball appearance, name your app and upload an icon. Preview your app before building an apk.

To create a fun 8 Ball game app, you should find the niche and the target audience. You can make a magic ball for people from your country in your own language, or themed app with quotes from movies or famous authors. Think outside the box to find the niche for your Android app. Use the keywords in the name and description, localize your 8 Ball app in your home language, make creative screenshots. Look at your competitors and build an app like Mystic Fortune Teller, SEESHAA Magic Ball, Magic Ball Yes/No, etc.

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